This week we had a terrific new model named Chris. Like a rock 🙂

This week we had a terrific new model named Chris. Like a rock 🙂
Lines on yupo continued this week at Wednesday Morning……here are two little drawings.
Wednesday Morning will be presenting “bare naked 4″ Oct. 11- 22, 2017. The theme this year will be the drawn figure, featuring line. As in 2016, each artist will produce one large piece. In addition we’ve decided to do a group project of 8″x8” canvases, several from each artist. I’m playing with the idea of… Read more bare naked 4 (!)
(The) Wednesday Morning (art group) has decided that its fall 2017 show will feature the drawn figure – with an emphasis on line. So I’ve started experimenting and here is a first result – a 2 hr portrait of Peter Barron, 26″x20″ in marker on yupo. Very fun to do.
Dates are now confirmed for the next two bare naked shows. bare naked 2 1/2 will be at Dreams n Beans on Hunter St. in Peterborough from September 20 to October 4, 2015. 2 1/2 is a smaller update show between major exhibitions and will feature one piece from each of the participating artists. bare… Read more “bare naked” upcoming shows