Expressive Portrait Project
Just finished – first portrait in the expressive project.
Just finished – first portrait in the expressive project.
A group show titled Women of a Certain Age has been percolating along for a couple of years and will finally become a reality in April. Participating artists are Suzanne Moreau, Ellee Sturgeon, Jana Thompson, Evelyn van Hoekelen, Judi Waymark and myself. I’ve done three portraits of friends for this show: Brenda Smyth, Susan Mackle… Read more Women of a Certain Age coming in April
Over the last year and a half I’ve generated 18 charcoal drawings on canvas that are destined to become expressionist portraits. The drawings have met with positive response in several shows. Here are snaps of the drawings missing a few including one already en route to the Red Door Gallery in Georgetown for a show… Read more Expressionist portraits project resumes
(The) Wednesday Morning (art group) has decided that its fall 2017 show will feature the drawn figure – with an emphasis on line. So I’ve started experimenting and here is a first result – a 2 hr portrait of Peter Barron, 26″x20″ in marker on yupo. Very fun to do.
As evidenced by this blog and website, in 2016 my practice went to ground. However, lots has been happening in the studio and hopefully some interesting new directions will emerge early in the new year. Please stay posted.
A big thank you to Sherry Gosselin and Bill Lewochko for including some of my abstract and figurative work in shows this past summer at their beautiful Lew Gallery in Buckhorn. This gallery is worth a visit when it reopens next summer. Watch their site for details.
Dates are now confirmed for the next two bare naked shows. bare naked 2 1/2 will be at Dreams n Beans on Hunter St. in Peterborough from September 20 to October 4, 2015. 2 1/2 is a smaller update show between major exhibitions and will feature one piece from each of the participating artists. bare… Read more “bare naked” upcoming shows
Very pleased to report that the Women of a Certain Age proposal was accepted by the Colborne Gallery for a show in Spring 2017. This show will feature work by Suzanne Moreau, Ellee Sturgeon, Lisa Clark, Janette O’Neil, Jana Thompson, Evelyn van Hoekelen, Judi Waymark and myself. A big thank-you to Brenda Smyth, Nancy Sullivan… Read more New project – Women of a Certain Age
One project currently underway has “girls” as its working title. This will be a series of over-sized expressionist portraits. Here are some of the charcoal and gesso under paintings which are kind of interesting in their own rights.
“bare naked 2” was a great pleasure to install and participate in. Watch for details about “bare naked 2 1/2” coming to Peterborough in the fall.